Latest basho guide magazine

These are not the exact contents, but they always have the same great style of pictures. You won't be disappointed.

The basho guide mags, put out by Sumo Association every basho,  are some of the most collectible memorabilia in sumo.

They are simply beautiful photographic works of art.


Color is great

A whole section on the Pokemon kensho/banners!


2nd division Jūryō too!

I see Enhō!

Lots of English info

All Japanese information and articles is also in English.


Guide to 3rd division

The makushita division are all on the cusp of the top divisions - learn about them!

Make it yours

$21 USD plus $9.75 to ship by airmail worldwide

NOTE: There are a lot more pages and photos and information in English (and Japanese, then what is show here)